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  1. Will my house not sell because of the street name, house name or number?

It’s hard to believe in this day and age, but superstition still has a significant impact on house values. If your home is number 13, some superstitious buyers won't offer, even if they adore your property! Indeed, several streets in the Surrey & Hampshire area don't include the number 13 for this very reason!

House names and street names may also have an impact if they bring negative connotations to viewers of your home. For example, fewer people will choose to reside in a house named Piddle Cottage than a property named Rose Cottage! Likewise, buyers may be less keen to live on Grope Street! Interestingly, though, your street name could also work in your favour. Living on a “lane” will likely result in a higher home value than living on a “street”!

Sellers Fix: If you live at number 13, add an appealing name to your property alongside the number. You can add a house name, but legally you must keep the number for emergency identification purposes.

  1. Is my house not selling due to local broadband speeds?

If you're wondering 'why is my house not selling', consider this; homes with limited broadband or slow connections can sell for 20% less than similar properties with strong internet connections. A good internet connection isn’t a luxury but a genuine requirement nowadays, particularly for remote workers. Smart devices in homes, such as TV streaming, doorbell cameras and home security also require stronger connections. At Warren Powell-Richards, we are asked about broadband speeds regularly. We often speak with viewers who put good broadband speeds high on their priority list - even above transport links!

Sellers Fix: If your property is not connected to full-fibre broadband, and the option is available, ensure viewers are aware.

  1. Are my pets stopping my house from selling?

While your furry friend is undoubtedly a much-loved part of your family, not everyone is equally keen on pets. Smells permeate homes easily; while you may not notice it, new visitors to your home probably will! Stale pet smells, overflowing litter trays, signs of chewing or scratching of woodwork, and pet bedding and toys are off-putting. Of course, while your pet won't be moving in with the new owners, it could still give them the wrong impression and lead to them making a lower offer. It’s best to take your furry companion elsewhere during viewings!

Sellers Fix: Repair and repaint scratched and chewed woodwork. Keep your pets clean and don't allow them on furniture when wet or dirty. Always tidy pet food, bowls and bedding away during viewings.

  1. Does a lack of parking mean my house may not attract offers?

If your home has a garage or driveway, you shouldn’t have a problem attracting viewings and offers, especially in areas where on-street parking is difficult. We’ve even seen driveway parking space add as much as 13% to a home's value.

However, if your property doesn't have private parking, it could mean fewer offers and can answer the question of 'why is my house not selling.'. Parking is a high priority for many buyers when looking for a new home. It could be a deal breaker if they are likely to face difficulties parking their vehicle close to their front door.

Sellers Fix: If you have a front garden currently laid to lawn or paved, consider converting the usable space to provide off-road parking. You will need permission to drop the kerb from the council for this. Costs are involved and will vary, but ultimately, this will add value to your home and make it more attractive to buyers.

If you’re looking for advice about selling your home in the Surrey & Hampshire area or are searching for a reliable agent to list your property, look no further than Warren Powell-Richards. As expert estate agents in the Surrey & Hampshire area, we look forward to helping you find a buyer. Call us now on 01420 87379 or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more

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