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What Does ‘Under Offer’ Mean?

When browsing property listings online and in estate agent offices, you may come across the term ‘under offer’. If so, you may be wondering what this means and whether you can still view or make an offer on the property.

In this article, we’ll answer the question, “What does ‘under offer’ mean?” and provide an overview of what you need to consider if you plan on making an offer on an ‘under offer’ property.

What Does ‘Under Offer’ Mean?

Put simply, a property that’s ‘under offer’ means that a buyer or multiple buyers have made the seller an offer to purchase the property.

Usually, estate agents cancel viewings on properties under offer. This is to ensure the buyer who made the offer has a fair chance of being accepted without being gazumped (which means losing the property to someone else after their offer has been accepted).

Once the vendors have accepted the offer, the status of the property will change to ‘STC’ or ‘Subject to Contract’. This means that the sale of the property is progressing with the buyer whose offer was accepted. The sale isn’t legally binding until contracts exchange – which usually doesn’t happen until at least a couple of months later.

Can an ‘Under Offer’ Sale Fall Through?

Technically, a property that’s ‘under offer’ hasn’t sold, so it can’t fall through. But just because the home is under offer, that doesn’t mean it will be sold. The seller could reject the offer or the buyer could pull out.

If you have your eye on a property that’s under offer, keep an eye on the listing to see if the status changes back to ‘for sale’ or to ‘subject to contract’ and ask the local estate agent to be kept in the loop for updates.

Can I Make an Offer on a House that’s ‘Under Offer’?

Put simply, yes you can make an offer on a property that’s listed as ‘under offer’. In fact, it should be seen as your last opportunity to put in an offer on a property.

Just be aware that if you do this, you could enter into a bidding war with the other buyer that’s made an offer – which can mean you’ll need to make a competitive bid that’s higher than the market value.

How to Find the Perfect Property

If you’ve missed out on a property, we truly believe everything happens for a reason and there’s another home just around the corner for you!

Here are our tips on how to find the right property for you:

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If you’re looking for a property, WPR are your local property experts. Give us a call today for a chat about what you’re looking for and we can send you information about relevant homes for sale.

Call us now or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a call back from one of our friendly team of agents.


Moving to the Country? Pros and Cons of Living Rurally

Moving to the countryside is a big decision. It can mean you have less access to work and entertainment complexes, but it can also lead to a slower pace of living where you are more in touch with nature.

If you’re thinking about moving to the country, here are WPR’s list of pros and cons to consider before you make the move.

What are the Cons of Living Rurally?

  1. Limited Work Opportunities

Many people view moving to the country as a retirement option, since job opportunities can be more limited than if you live in a city. If you’re not retiring, considering how you will get to work is an important factor about where you move to. Choosing a home near a train station may be best if you plan on commuting.

  1. Access to Leisure and Entertainment

Many rural locations have an abundance of leisure facilities, but it’s unlikely they will be as close to your home as they would be in a city. Days out at the cinema, gym or shopping mall may require a much longer drive than you are used to.

  1. Distance to Shops

Rural living still means you will have access to convenience stores. However, depending on where you move to, large supermarkets may be few and far between. You may need to drive long distances or rely on small local shops for your produce. If you prefer to get your food shopping delivered, it may also be more expensive.

  1. Ease of Travel

Travelling around can be much more difficult in rural areas. Country lanes without pavements are common in many rural locations, so you may need to drive everywhere instead of relying on walking or public transport. The impact of this is particularly important to consider if you have children.

What are the Pros of Living Rurally?

  1. Access to More Wildlife

Living rurally usually means you have more access to local nature reserves and forests. Plus, most homes in the country have gardens that are full of wildlife, so you can expect to share your garden with deer, badgers, rabbits, hedgehogs, foxes and other nearby wildlife.

  1. Less Stress

City living is known to provide a more stressful environment for many people. Living rurally with greater access to nature, wildlife and the countryside is often associated with a slower pace of life and less stress.

  1. Increased Privacy

Many homes in the countryside are more spaced out than homes in the city. Your nearest neighbour could be at the end of your street or another mile away, which can mean you have more privacy in your garden with no nearby houses overlooking yours.

  1. Better Value for Money

Generally, properties in the countryside offer more for your money than a home in the city. Since rural living is considered ‘off the beaten track’, you can often live in a larger home with a bigger garden for a smaller budget.

Are You Thinking About a Countryside Move?

Moving home is a big decision and where is right for you is a huge part of that process. If you’re thinking about a countryside move, WPR are your local property experts. We can help talk you through the properties available and whether it’s the right move for you.

Get in touch today for a chat with our friendly team or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a call back.


3 Tips to Make Your Garden Bee-Friendly

If you’ve been reading the news or watching the amazing legend that is David Attenborough, you’ve probably heard that it’s getting harder for bees to survive in our UK cities.

Just like humans, there are three main things bees need to thrive: food (i.e., pollen), water and shelter. Unfortunately, our gardens aren’t always full of these things, especially in warmer months.

However, there are many simple things you can do in your garden to make it a more attractive place for bees to visit.

If you want to invite more local bees to your garden this summer, here are three top tips to make your garden more bee-friendly.

  1. Plant Bee-Friendly Flowers

One of the best things you can do for your local bees is to plant flowers full of pollen or nectar for them to enjoy.

Even though most flowers bloom in spring and summer, there are some species you can grow in winter and autumn that’ll continue to attract the bees in colder seasons. As a bonus, they’ll also make your garden look full of life at the end of the year, which can help your garden stand out if you’re selling in winter.

Here’s a quick guide to some of the flowers you can grow in each season:

Spring: Pansies, Bluebells, Primroses, Hawthorn, Peonies, Crocus and Rhododendrons

Summer: Lavender, Foxgloves, Snapdragons, Phlox, Echinacea, Poppies, Globe Thistle and Hollyhock

Autumn: Ivy, Witch Hazel, Borage and Zinnias

Winter: Snowdrops, Winter Clematis, Winter Honeysuckle and Winter Heather

  1. Build Bee Hotels

We love this idea! Building a bee hotel for your garden can provide a shelter for local bees to rest in. Creating one is also a great family-friendly activity that ends up with something nice for you and the bees, since they can also become a rustic garden feature.

A bee hotel doesn’t need to be very big, and should be placed around 1-4 feet off the ground and ideally in a position that gets full sunlight.

Visit the RSPB UK website for a full guide on how to make your own bee hotel.

  1. Create an Outdoor Herb Garden

Even though we often think bees only like flowers, this isn’t true. They also love many different garden herbs. If you want to make your garden more bee-friendly, consider creating an outdoor herb garden in spring or summer.

Common kitchen herbs like thyme, chives, sage and creeping rosemary are ideal for attracting the bees. Plus, they’ll make your garden smell amazing and you can use the cuttings to make fresh meals in the kitchen!


Making your garden bee-friendly is a great way to help the planet. It can make your garden and local area a more environmentally friendly place to live. Plus, having an eco-friendly home can sometimes help with your resale value and attractiveness to future buyers.

To learn more about how desirable a greener home is, WPR are your local property experts.

Get in touch with our friendly team today by calling or emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a chat about your property and how we can help.


How to Improve Your Home Entrance to Make a Killer First Impression

When it comes to selling your home, first impressions count. Research tells us that the top three things people first notice about your home are the front door, garden and hallway. That’s why making your home’s entrance look welcoming couldn’t be more important!

If you want to make your home entrance stand out to your buyers (in a good way!), here are five tips on how to improve the front garden to make a great first impression.

  1. Prune

Keeping your front garden well-manicured is an easy way to impress buyers from the get-go. Keep bushes neatly trimmed and make sure any patches of grass are regularly mowed. If you have a driveway or patio area, keep it weed-free.

  1. Paint the Front Door

Did you know that the colour of your front door can impact the price of your home? According to research, your home could sell for around £4,000 more just because of your front door colour. A blue front door is one of the best colours, with white, red and black also being highly desirable. If you want to make a great first impression, consider changing the colour of your front door with a quick lick of paint.

  1. Hide Bins

While having your bins in the front garden is highly practical on rubbish collection day, they can be the first thing a buyer notices. Don’t let that happen! Instead, hide your bins away in the back garden or an unnoticeable spot around the side of your house just before your viewings. You can always put them back afterwards.

  1. Clear Windows

Clear windows are known for boosting the amount of natural light in your home. But they can improve your curb appeal too! A cluttered window could be one of the first things a buyer notices about your property from the outside. Avoid this by keeping your window ledges partially empty. Having just a vase of flowers or a small pot plant are great choices to keep things looking sleek.

  1. Hide Shoes, Bags & Coats

Hallways can easily become full of clutter during daily life. When you get home from work, it’s not uncommon to kick off your shoes, chuck your bag on the stairs and drape your coat on a hook. While this is convenient when living in your home, many buyers like to view a property that has a minimalist vibe. If you want to make your hallway look brighter, bigger and more welcoming, hide your shoes, bags and coats in a cupboard before your viewings.

Are You Ready to Sell?

Making a good first impression is so important when you’re selling your home. If you’re looking to sell your property in the area, our friendly team at WPR would love to talk!

Give us a call today or visit our website at to learn more about our services.


How to Decorate a Kids Bedroom On a Budget

When it comes to decorating a kid’s bedroom, the cost of new (and fun-looking) furniture and wall art can often become very expensive.

Luckily, there are cheaper ways to spruce up a child’s bedroom to make it look playful – some of which you can simply do yourself or even as a fun activity with the kids!

In this article, we’ll share our top tips on how to decorate a kid’s bedroom on a budget.

  1. Upcycle Furniture

Buying new furniture can be expensive. But there’s no need to invest in new stuff to make chests of drawers and side tables look more kid-friendly! Upcycling furniture is a trend that’s great for the bank account and the environment. Instead of buying something new, simply paint your old furniture (or pick up something second hand) in a fun colour. It can be as simple as just painting one or two draws in a chest a different colour.

  1. Frame Their Artwork

If your children are always doodling and sketching, a great way of showcasing their works of art (and decorating their bedrooms) is to frame a few pieces and hanging them up on the walls in a methodical pattern. If you don’t want to use hammers and nails, you can fix their drawings to the walls using coloured washi tape instead of an actual frame. It’ll look fab and fun!

  1. Paint Wall Effects

Wallpaper is relatively cheap to buy. But paying someone to hang it (or buying the necessary products to do it yourself) can make it somewhat expensive. Instead, many people decorate a feature wall in a kid’s bedroom by using painters’ tape (to separate the wall into a criss-cross pattern) and then using different colours to paint the shapes. With a good colour scheme, it’ll look fun for the kids and nice for visitors!

  1. Add Wall Stickers

Adding wall stickers is another great way of decorating a kid’s bedroom on a budget. Since these can often be cheaper than buying – and hanging – wallpaper, it’s a popular choice for many parents wanting to make a kids’ bedroom appear friendlier. Stickers like rainbows, clouds, suns or quotes work well with any colour scheme.

  1. Create Visually Appealing Storage Areas

Adding storage facilities to a kid’s bedroom doesn’t have to involve buying expensive cupboards. Instead, you can get creative and make your own DIY storage solution! Try adding wall hooks or a coat rack under a window or along the lower part of an empty wall. Then use baskets, canvas bags or fancy-dress outfits to make it a decorative area in the room.

Get Expert Property Advice

At WPR, we are your local property experts. If you’re thinking about selling your home and want to know what buyers look for in a kid’s bedroom, our friendly team are happy to help.

Give us a call today or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to start the conversation.


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