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Preparation Is Key To A Successful Home Move With Children

Moving house can be a stressful experience, but if you’re moving with kids, that piles on the pressure even more. If you’re stressed, your little ones can easily get overwhelmed, too, so knowing how to minimise the hassle is crucial.

Luckily, we have some helpful advice for home movers looking for tips and tricks to simplify their move.

  1. Talk To Your Kids About The Move In Advance

Your children may not understand precisely what you mean when you tell them that you’re “moving house”, so make sure you’ve taken the time to explain clearly to them what to expect on moving day. Many young children become anxious about leaving behind the comfort of their old home and find the prospect of moving into a strange, new home daunting, so preparation is vital for a successful move.

  1. Visit The New House With Your Children

Take your children to see where they’ll soon be living, show them their new bedroom and explore the new area they’ll call home. This will help them feel comfortable with the coming changes.

  1. Encourage Your Children To Share Their Thoughts

Explaining to your children what will happen on moving day is essential, but it’s just as vital to listen to any concerns they have. Ensure you answer their questions thoroughly and honestly and reassure them about any worries they’re experiencing.

  1. Choose The Right Moving Day

Choosing the right moving day can be difficult, but if you put some thought into it, your children will have a better experience. While deciding to move during the summer holidays may seem like a good idea, it can often be easier for children to move during the term time since being at school or nursery helps to occupy their minds while allowing you to get things done without them getting under your feet!

  1. Make It A Game

A top tip for moving home in Grayshott with your youngsters is to make the lead up to the move, and the day itself, into a fun game. This makes moving home more enjoyable for all of you and helps your children engage with the process. Let your children pack some of their belongings, label boxes or pack a special box to help your pets move too!

  1. Don’t Pack Essential Items

Although packing everything correctly is vital to minimise the risk of loss or damage during a move, you must also consider your children’s needs. If there are any items they can’t manage without, such as a specific cuddly toy, leave it out of the packing boxes so they can keep it with them throughout the move for comfort.

  1. Settle In Quickly

Settling your children in their new home in Grayshott as speedily as possible gets you all off to the best start, so making sure you know where all the familiar items that your children know and love are, is key. Getting those essential items unpacked immediately makes them feel comfortable and at home. Make sure to stick to familiar routines, too – sticking to traditional bedtimes is an excellent way to demonstrate that living somewhere new doesn’t mean everything has to change.

If you’re still searching for the perfect property for your family, check out the Warren Powell-Richards website at or pop into one of our offices for a chat.

Catching Any Issues Early Is Imperative

As a homeowner you’re no doubt already aware of how important your property’s roof is. However, despite knowing its importance, you may not know the first thing about roof maintenance! The expert team here at Warren Powell-Richards have a few top tips to help you keep your roofing in the best possible condition.

What Should I Check for and When?

Catching issues before they get out of hand is imperative when it comes to roof maintenance. Carrying out inspections regularly is the best course of action to ensure nothing gets overlooked. Checking at least twice yearly is wise, with spring and autumn being the optimal seasons. You should check for:

  • Broken or missing slates or tiles
  • Misaligned or broken guttering
  • Flush flashing around dormer windows and the chimney
  • Any growth of algae or moss
  • Sunlight shining through to the inside
  • Watermarks on the insulation or timber
  • Signs of mould or decay
  • Signs of sagging or damage

If you spot a problem, you should arrange for a repair as quickly as possible.

Clean The Gutters

If the gutters are kept clear, they’ll be able to channel water quickly away from your property. Check them more regularly during autumn as they can get blocked very quickly.

Clear Roof Debris

If you have a flat roof, debris may accumulate on it. You may even find the same problem if you have a pitched roof. Not only is debris build-up unsightly, but it can also potentially damage your roof, so clear it away quickly.

Trim Trees

Leaves dropping into your guttering and onto the roof will cause problems, and twigs and branches may cause damage to your roof during storms or high winds. Keeping trees back from the property is always a good idea.

Eliminate Moss

Moss may appear to be harmless, but it causes significant issues. A large patch of moss will hold lots of water which, in turn, can rot your roofing materials or cause cracked or dislodged tiles. Eliminating roof moss will protect your roof from damage.

Making Roof Maintenance Your Priority

Carrying out regular checks to the inside and outside of your roof is essential for all homeowners, and often, hiring a professional roofer is the best way to make sure you can achieve this safely and efficiently. Climbing onto your roof can be dangerous and may be best avoided if you lack the necessary experience.

Although you may need to pay for a roofer to maintain your roof, it’s money well spent in the long run as regular inspections will ensure that no potential problems get out of hand resulting in a huge bill in the future. Also, if you’re planning to sell or rent out your property, you need to be confident that the roof is in solid condition for prospective tenants or buyers.

If you’re considering selling or renting out your property, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here at Warren Powell-Richards. We can help you find the perfect tenants or list your property for sale on the market. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or pop into one of our offices to meet the team.

So you’ve moved home, you have the keys, you’re in, and the kettle and mugs have been unpacked. Sure, you’ve got boxes here, there and everywhere, but at least you’ve finally moved and are happy!

It’s time to start a new chapter in the house of your dreams. But, you don’t want the dream to turn sour, so we suggest that after making a cup of tea and getting settled in, you should do some standard safety checks.

Why? Because you need to ensure your home is safe and isn’t going to cause you any issues.

So, what should you be checking? Well, we’ve put together a list of seven safety checks you should make when you move into your new home.

  1. Check the Windows and Doors

First things first, safety and security go hand in hand. Walk around your property and look at the windows and doors, noting whether they have safety catches on them or security locks. If they haven’t, put it on your urgent “to do” list. With your external doors, many new occupiers choose to change the locks as you never know where a spare key has gone in the past.

Top Tip: Write a list and work through it methodically – it’ll save you time in the long run!

  1. Check the Water and Electrics

Now, this really is something you should do as soon as possible. Even if your property is brand-spanking-new, you need to know it is as safe as houses.

  • Look for the stop cock
  • Note where the fuse box is

Should you need to take action in an emergency, you should know where important things are located. You should also look at the plug sockets and wiring to make sure all is correct.

Top Tip: If any work needs doing, you may need to get a more competent, professional tradesperson to help you – particularly with the electrics.

  1. Check the Appliances

Your new home may have appliances already in-situ. A washing machine, for example, or an oven. It saves you time and expense, of course, but you should check them over to ensure they are safe to use.

Top Tip: When you’re looking around a potential new home, you should always ask to see the appliances working if they are included.

  1. Look Around the Garden

Look at those roses there, and that lovely fence, oh and that old tree in the corner. But wait. Is your new garden actually safe?

  • Are your little ones going to be able to toddle through the gate?
  • Will they know the dangers of the small pond?
  • Is that old tree safe, or should you get someone in to assess it and lop a few rotten branches off if necessary?
  • Are there gaps in hedges where your dog could escape?

Top Tip: Do a complete audit of the garden. It’s better to spend an hour checking everything than spending a lot longer having to deal with an emergency.

  1. Is the House Childproof?

We don’t need to explain why child safety should be paramount. You should walk around the house to ensure everything is in place to help keep your children safe. This includes safety catches on cupboards, padlocks on areas where things like cleaning products are stored, locks on front and back doors and side gates and stairgates.

Top Tip: Little people are curious and will stick their fingers in everything! Most hardware stores carry home safety packs that include plug socket covers and cupboard catches. Keep a spare set so you are always prepared.

  1. Check the Smoke Alarms

Safety is a priority, and alarms alert you to danger. Make sure there are working batteries in the smoke alarms and in the carbon monoxide alarm. If it is a wired-in smoke alarm, test it. Make sure your family know what they are for, what they sound like and what they should do if they hear them.

Top Tip: Test all your alarms monthly without fail.

  1. Plan an Emergency Escape Route

You’ve done all the safety checks but, what happens if something goes wrong and you need to get out of your property? You should plan how you and your family will escape from the house in an emergency. You need to think about routes and who is responsible for whom, and where to meet up when you’re outside.

Top Tip: Having a plan can save you time, and in an emergency, time is of the essence. Make sure the whole family knows the plan and practice it if you need to.

Warren Powell-Richards are your local property experts emails us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Once you have decided to move home and you have finalised your exact moving date, it is now time to get organised. However much you think you have to do you should expect that amount to be doubled or even tripled by the time you get to the big day itself!

From decluttering your home to creating a full inventory list, to sourcing enough cardboard boxes to build your very own Great Wall of China, there is a lot to do before you can close the doors on your old home for the last time.

Not to mention, the task of finding and booking a reliable and reputable removal company who you can trust to transport all your treasured possessions to your new home.

With this all important task, it is a case of the earlier the better with many aspects of your removal process being affected if you book too late.

If you are worried about any aspect of booking a removal company, keep reading as we have all your concerns covered and your questions answered.

Choose your moving date carefully

When you are deciding which day to move, consider not only picking a day that is most convenient for you and all other home movers in the chain, but also a day that will actually make the process of finding a high quality removable company at a competitive price more straightforward.

As a rule, the school summer holidays and bank holidays throughout the year are extremely busy times for most removal companies and therefore, if possible these times should be avoided. Other school holidays such as half terms and Easter are also likely to see higher volumes of home movers requiring removal services. Of course, if your completion date happens to fall during any of these periods there are ways you can ensure you manage to secure removal services without paying a premium!

According to the second cheapest day to move home is a Wednesday. Sunday is the cheapest, but not all removal firms will be able to accommodate this.

Ensure you can get your preferred time

The further in advance you book your removal company, the more likely it is that they will be able to provide you with their services on your preferred moving date and time, and with many home movers needing to be out of a property at a specific time, this can be vital to ensuring a smooth moving out process.

If you leave booking your removal company until the last minute, you risk not being able to secure your preferred time slot with your removal company of choice.

Do not wait for a moving date confirmation

If you are struggling to pinpoint an exact moving date but want to ensure you are able to enlist the services of the best removal companies in your area, you may be able to book a provisional date with them, which you can later adjust if needed.

The best course of action is to contact your chosen removal company and provide them with an estimated moving day, while explaining that this may change. Often companies will be able to accommodate this, and you will still be able to move at the time you need to.

Allow time for a valuation

If you commission removal company quotes at least 4 to 6 weeks before your moving date, you will ensure that there is time for a full survey to be carried out and you’ll be provided with an accurate quote for your moving needs.

This can prove invaluable when you start to pack up your belongings, as you will have an idea of exactly how many boxes you will need to move efficiently.

At this time, your removal company will ask you for any information they may need with regard to access to your property, parking, and your specific removal requirements.

You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions yourself regarding additional insurance, packing services and timeframes.

Do not leave packing until the last minute

Once you have secured the services of a removal company on your preferred date and time slot, you will need to ensure that your packing is 100% complete before they arrive, unless you have booked an additional packing service with them.

Removal companies work to strict timeframes and therefore, you do not want to keep them waiting while you hurriedly throw your belongings into whatever box you can find!

It is also important to remember to disassemble any furniture and prepare white goods such as fridges, freezers and washing machines so that they are ready to go when your removal company arrives.

A trustworthy and reliable removal company will do their very best to accommodate your moving needs; from the date you need to vacate your property, to the specific services you choose to make the process less stressful.

Moving house is challenging enough, you need all the support you can get!

For expert buying, selling and moving home advice, contact our team of professionals at Warren Powell-Richards, call, email or pop into our offices.


In short, yes, it is! Research[1] into properties in the UK tells us that buyers are willing to pay more for a smart home or a property with high automation.

So, what does this news mean for sellers? It means that your smart home could have more value than your next-door neighbours. It could even sell quicker!

If you’re wondering what makes a smart home more attractive to buyers, here’s everything we know about why people are willing to pay that little bit extra for an automated home.

What Makes a Smart Home More Attractive to Buyers?

  1. It’s Convenient

If there’s one thing we know about technology, it’s that it makes our lives easier. From fridges that automatically order in new food, to doorbells that let you speak to visitors when you’re not at home, smart devices in our homes are undoubtedly more convenient.

As life gets busier, people are looking for solutions that make everyday tasks simpler. When it comes to the homes we live in, the same rules apply.

  1. Greener

Being green is a duty we’re all trying to fulfil. Research by NatWest and HIS Markit[2] shows that over half of UK homeowners are planning on making home improvements that make their lives greener. And smart homes make it easier than ever to take a step closer to living more sustainably[3] (while saving a few pounds in the process!).

From virtually controlled heating systems to smart meters, these things can make your home greener and more attractive to buyers.

  1. Resale Potential

Buyers are no different to sellers when it comes to thinking about resale potential. It may not be as important to them as other things, like the location or kerb appeal. But it will be up there on the list of things they’re looking out for.

Since a smart home can potentially increase the value of your home by up to £16,000[4] – and the buyer market for smart homes is on the rise – a key selling point for your home is the resale potential.

  1. Improved Security

If you’ve opted for smart alarms, doorbells or window sensors in your home, chances are you did this for the added security. Buyers want the same thing as you – and they’re willing to pay for it!

Barclays already predicted that by last year[5], 35% of renters looking to buy would be interested in having a home with smart security systems. If you’re targeting the first-time buyer market, having smart security systems (or at least the infrastructure that enables them to be easily installed) could make your home more attractive.

Selling Up?

For more advice on selling your home, Warren Powell-Richards are your local property experts – and we’d love to help you!

If you’re thinking about selling up, drop into one of our offices or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a chat to find out how we can help.


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